Product Testing

How are RSL’s Products Tested?

RSL has selected NAMI (National Accreditation and Management Institute), an NFRC authorized company, as its certification agency for this program. Performance testing will be conducted every two years and an audit of RSL’s fabrication process will be done twice annually. RSL will identify approved IGU with NAMI logo and approval # etched in the bottom right corner of each IGU.
Architectural Testing for ASTM E2190 conducted successful seal durability testing (fogging, humidity & accelerated weathering) of RSL sealed insulating glass units and summarized the results in NCTL #NCTL-110-20035-1. NAMI certified these test results (report #N1010773-R4).

Architectural Testing conducted Acoustical Performance testing (report #83632.01-113-11). This test measured sound transmission loss.
Architectural Testing conducted thermal performance simulations of RSL Clear, LowE, GBG, BBG, Impact and decorative doorglass in accordance with NFRC standards for U Factor, Solar Heat Gain Coefficient, and Visible Transmittance. The tests included a wide range of doorglass sizes with various spacer widths, materials, insulating techniques, gas filling, clear tempered and LowE glass. The test were conducted using both polystyrene and polyurethane filled steel and fiberglass doors.

RSL doorglass frames protect against moisture and air infiltration in two ways (frame to glass and frame to door). RSL vinyl and Impact frames both have co-extruded flaps on both frame to glass and frame to door edges. These white, watertight flaps eliminate oozing and provide an excellent seal.

RSL’s injection molded frames use a frame to door sealant that is a white, foamed material combining the best qualities of closed cell foam and elastomer (rubbery) sealants. This high adhesion sealant has moderate surface tack with superior heat resistance (283 degrees F).The frame to glass sealant uses a mildew resistant, solid butyl that will not shrink, crack or become brittle.

RSL’s Hurricane Impact units are engineered to meet high velocity hurricane zone requirements TAS 201, 202 & 203. Tested at Testing Evaluation Laboratories and approved by Florida Building Code #FL11515, this product withstood 9000 pressure cycles against water & air infiltration and has a DP of +/- 60psf.

RSL Clear, LowE, and GBG doorglass is insulated with aluminum spacer bars, whose horizontal lengths are filled with moisture absorbing desiccant. To ensure accurate identification of the time and location of manufacture, the vertical aluminum spacer bars are etched with “RSL” and the month and year of assembly.

RSL uses soft coat and hard LowE glass in order to reduce air conditioning energy in the summer and reduce heating in the winter. This energy efficient glass is insulated on the #2 side (sealed in the airspace on the outer pane of tempered glass and facing the inside of the home).

Rigorous requirements ensure durable IGU performance.

  • ASTM E2188 – 2002
    Standard test method for IGU weather & humidity cyclic testing
  • ASTM E2189 – 2002
    Standard test method for IGU resistance to fogging
  • ASTM E2190 – 2008
    Standard test method for IGU performance. Six samples tested for 105 days in humidity and weather cycling tests with initial, intermediate and final frost / dew point requirements at minimum to -40°C. Two samples tested for 7 days to resistance to fogging with no fogging as pass criteria
  • ASTM E413-04
    Standard test method for rating sound insulation
  • NFRC 100-2004
    Procedure for determining U-Factors
  • NFRC 200-2004
    Procedure for determining Solar Heat Gain Coefficient & Visible Transmittance

Air, Water and Structural Performance
RSL Doorglass products are tested to assure that they are protected against water and air infiltration in accordance with ASTM E283 for air tightness, ASTM E331 for water penetration, and E330 for structural performance.

RSL doorglass frames have two sealants or gaskets to protect against moisture and air infiltration. One sealant is placed on the lip of the frame where it contacts the door and the second is where the lip of the frame contacts the glass. These two gaskets maintain the integrity of the entry door and its thermal performance. Test results can be found online at in report #FL11196.

Design Pressure
Design Pressure requirements vary based on product location in the building, height of the buil DP is measured in PSF or pounds per square foot. ding, and wind zone designations. The positive DP # is the standard for wind blowing at the building (windward) and the negative DP # represents the vacuum pressure on the opposite side of the building (leeward).

  • Non Impact doorglass with injection molded frames: +/-60 to 80 PSF
  • Non Impact doorglass with vinyl frames: +/-80 to 90 PSF Impact (after high velocity impact) doorglass with vinyl frames: +/-60 PSF

Wood edge Steel Door Fire Rating:
Warnock Hersey mark on the door stiles. Certification provided by Intertek (ETL SEMKO), Report #3071182-01

Glazed Steel Single Door With or Without Sidelights – FL-20873.1

Opaque Steel Single Door With or Without Sidelights – FL-20873.5