Sprucing up your front door: An investment worth every penny!
Some seemingly mundane home improvements can actually make a huge impact. Case in point: repainting or changing up your front door could prove to make more of a difference than you thought!
Entry door: Era
If you own a home and want it to age gracefully, your top priority should be consistent proper maintenance. That way, your home will stay comfortable for years to come, and when it’s time to move, it will attract buyers.
One thing you shouldn’t overlook: curb appeal! It can have a big impact when you decide to sell. The moment prospective buyers set foot on your property, their eye will be drawn to the facade. So, if you’re looking to maximize your home’s sale price, make sure the exterior is shipshape. In addition to redoing the roof and exterior facing, installing new doors could pay off in a big way—your return on investment could exceed 100%!
Doorglass: Edge
“A home that is attractive and up-to-date will strike an emotional chord with prospective buyers, who will be willing to pay a little more for it.”
- Richard Côté, accredited appraiser, Director of the Québec City municipal appraisal department
If your front door is still in good condition, but could use a bit of a face lift, you can simply repaint it for a fresh look. Black doors are very popular right now—so popular, in fact, that painting your front door black could potentially bump up your home’s sale price by a few thousand dollars! A few dollars, an afternoon’s work, and voilà! It’s a minimal investment that nets maximum returns.
Entry door: Brixton
“For a seller, painting a front door is one of the least expensive home prep projects, but also one that can have a powerful impact on a home's sale price.”
- Kerrie Kelly, Zillow home design expert
Another great way to spruce up your front door: replacing your door’s glass insert! With so many glass styles available, you’re sure to find one that suits your home’s look, whether that’s contemporary, eclectic, natural or timeless. For inspiration, click here. To learn how to do it yourself, watch our video here.
Doorglass: Céleste
If you decide to replace or redo your front door, make sure it goes well with your garage door. Learn more in our article How should you pair your entry door with your garage door?