Ease-of-use and unmatched decorative designs make the Elevation a unique venting unit. Its counterweight system is easy to operate with minimal effort for better, safer control, and its wide selection of decorative options are sure to please you.

Standard features
Energy-efficient glass : Energy-efficient glass has a low emissivity surface which reflects heat radiation. Depending on its position in the glazing, it will keep the heat inside the house or prevent it from entering.
Argon : The argon gas in your glazing reduces heat transfer by convection and improves energy efficiency.
Spacer: Novatech uses the intercept® spacer in its double glazing doorglass. This "warm edge" spacer type, combined with energy-efficient glass and argon gas, reduces condensation on the periphery of the glass in winter.
Technology: Venting unit
Frame : Frame size varies according to glass size.
Standard dimensions
Insulated glass size :22x64”, 20x64”, 22x48” , 22x36”
Opening size : 23x65”, 21x65”, 23x49” , 23x37”
Insulated glass thickness : 3/4”
It is possible to add grille to your doorglass. You can choose between 5 choices of style : CAAL, CAFA, CARA, CAGY or divider 1 3/4''
Textured glass
It is possible to change some of your stained glass panes to adjust the level of privacy. See the «Custom» section for more information.
Novatech doorglass are guaranteed for 10 years against seal failure, yellowing or deterioration. See complete details of the warranty.